Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WNC State Seals

Another of the intriguing accents at Washington's National Cathedral are the State seals arrayed in the narthex floor. Again, as the previous post bemoans, if this detail of the property has any official or otherwise serious documentation it certainly isn't available in WNC's own bookstore and I haven't unearthed any of it anywhere online - not even on Flickr and those shutterbugs don't miss much. WNC itself may not regard these seals as anything particularly special since the past few times I've visited half of them were covered by large carpet mats which I had to peel back to get these shots.

The seals are about the size of a dinner plate. They're fashioned out of white and black stone, marble I'd guess. My selection focused on those with agrarian motifs - New York gets a pass since it's my state - and since to me Ohio most sublimely exemplifies this group it got the honor of being the post header. Next in line are:

But the pièce de résistance and head scratcher of the whole lot is the seal of Oklahoma because it alone has a reversed color scheme with white laid in a black ground. Why? Exactly! That is the question. No leads to date but welcome the answer if you know it.

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