Speaking of Cormac McCarthy, for fans of his masterpiece here is a reproduction of the map from John Sepich's reknowned literary companion Notes On Blood Meridian. (Color treatments mine.)
Post title will link you to middle novels section of the forums on the new official McCarthy website. Sadly - extremely sadly! - the thousands of conversations from the forum on the old official site that deeply explored myriad nuances of McCarthy's work were not migrated over to the new site. I think only those familiar with the former archive can appreciate how much of a loss their current inaccessibility is. Fortunately I exported several conversations related to BM and am trying to figure out how to link them up here. I inquired of the webmaster what the plans were and received: "They are gone but have been saved. There's an ebook, a print book, or some other kind of archive in the works. Stay tuned."
Updated Feb 2013